
Friday 18 October 2019



Topic sentence: single sex schools are better as they stop students from getting distracted.
Some girls get distracted or carried away because they speak seven thousand words a day.

Introduction: Should your child attend a co - ed school or to a single sex school?
Would you have your child go to a co-education school or to a single sex school? 
What do you feel about having your child go to a co-ed school or a single sex school

Paragraph 1 ( attending to a single sex school)
 I think that being at a single sex school is great because when girls are around boys they
really try to empress the boys where as if they were around each other they change there
way’s when they are not around 

Paragraph 2 ( bullying )
If you have been to a co-education school you might see that boys mainly bully the girls on
how they look, or what they wear. Did you know that boys aren’t supposed to hit or fight girls
because they can get hurt or end up in the hospital, this is why I think going to a co-education
school wouldn’t be a good school to attend to.

Paragraph 3 ( The effects on their learning )
 Students who attend a co-education school might seem to get distracted most of the time.
I think that the girls mostly get distracted by boys because they are  talking to loud or they
keep annoying them. I think going to a single sex school would be best for girls so they
don’t get distrcated and so there grade levels get higher and higher astheygo.

Conclusion 4 ( why we should go to a single sex school )

Co - education school should be a separate school so that your kids can focus on their
education and get higher grades. Your child's education is really important that’s why students
should be separated from a co - education school and should attend to a single sex school

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